Hong Kong Attractions | 香港旅遊景點 / 必去景點 August 17, 2012August 19, 2015gant_admin Your trip to Hong Kong would not be complete without an aerial tour of Hong Kong. I went on a Hong Kong Island Tour by Helicopter and it was just wow; I highly recommend this to anyone looking for something a little out of the ordinary; this has got to be one of the most worthwhile Hong Kong Attractions other than shopping for electronic appliances. 您的香港之旅将是不完整的,没有空中游览香港 直升機 和 香港 航空服務 。 我就在香港岛观光团的直升,机空中攝影,它只是哇,我强烈推荐给任何人寻找的东西一点点不寻常的,这一定是最值得香港以外的电子购物的香港景点之一家电。 游览香港旅遊景點